Skyblock has multiple in-game events that occur several times throughout the day. This article will give you more information on the wonderful events Skyblock has to offer, as well as the rewards you may receive if you're lucky enough!
You can view the times for each event and when the next event is due to happen by doing
Last Player Standing (also known as LPS) is a PvP event where players are given a kit with armor, weapons and food and have to battle it out in an arena to be the Last Player Standing! There is a "grace period" at the beginning of the event to allow players to run around without being attacked, then when this grace period is up, the fighting begins!
To join LPS, do /lps join
when the event is about to start!
The event will last until there is only one player remaining, but as time goes on, the border will shrink making the arena smaller and encouraging players to fight for the chance of placing first, second or third.
WARNING: Teaming with other players in LPS is bannable!
LPS Times:
9:00AM EST, 2:00PM EST and 6:00PM EST.
The Magic Pond takes place at spawn - to get there, do /warp pond
. The magical pond will summon and launch items which players can catch by using a fishing rod. Players can do /kit fishingrod
to receive a free rod.
The rewards from the Magic Pond vary. See the table below for a complete list of each reward and the tiers.
Magic Pond Times:
3:00, 6:00, 10:00 AM EST
3:00, 6:00 and 10:00 PM EST
Each catch gives 1 Event Score
Pond Master Title
McMMO Booster
Legendary Key
1x Cubit
Sell Booster
Golden Knight Spawn Egg
Each catch gives 1 Event Score
50 Fishpoints
50 Souls
12x Diamond Blocks
Music Crate
1x Legendary Mana Crystal
1x Legendary CE
6x Emerald Blocks
Small-XP Pouch
300 Use Sellwand
1x Rare Magic Dust
Magic Titles
2x TP Pads
1x Ancient Key
Each catch gives 1 Event Score
1x Rare CE
1x Whitescroll
5k XP
100 Use Builderwand
1x Magic Cookie
1k Uses Trench Pickaxe
1x God Apple
128x Magma Cream
1x Common CE
1.5k XP
100 Use Sellwand
64x Gold Blocks
10x Fishpoints
10x Souls
1x Bone
1x Leather Boots
1x Name Tag
1x Saddle
Inspired by "Castle Wars" from the Medieval Festival, "Island Wars" is a brand new event introduced in Skyblock Season 13 in which 4 teams compete to defent their King. You will start on your island, and the goal is to defend your king using items located in chests around the map - these items can also be used to help attack opposing Kings!
Players will respawn until their King is eliminated - if your team's king is defeated, your team will no longer respawn.
Rewards: All players who participate will receive 5 event score. The top 3 players who receive the most kills will receive additional event score, in-game money and even keys! Finally, the winning team will receive 10 event score and $10,000.
Island Wars Times:
11:00AM EST, 4:00PM EST, 10:00PM EST
Ocassionally, bosses will spawn on Skyblock for players to defeat. Players can go to /warp boss
in order to fight these bosses, and will receive random rewards depending on the boss that has spawned. See the table below to see the rewards for each boss.
Note: in order to receive rewards for killing bosses, you must have done at least 75 damage to the boss or mini-boss. Damage done will be shown in the boss-bar at the top of the screen.
Boss Times:
1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 AM EST
1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 PM EST
Mini-Bosses spawn every hour at quarter past the hour, depending on whether it's an odd or even hour will determine the mini-boss being spawned.
Health | Damage Resistance | Damage |
3500 | 75% | 35 |
Common Drop (55% Chance) | Uncommon Drop (25% Chance) | Rare Drop (15% Chance) | Legendary Drop (5% Chance) |
2x Spawner Cores, 250 Souls, 500 Mana, 1x Large Money Pouch, 2x Legendary CEs, 1x Large XP Pouch | Ancient Key, Obsidian Helmet, Obsidian Chestplate, Obsidian Leggings, Obsidian Boots | 1x Legendary Key, 850 Souls, 1000 Mana, 1x 3.5k Use Builder Wand, 1x 3.5k Use Harvester Hoe, 1x Rare Boss Money Pouch, Miniature Mechadino Pet, Cyborg Tag, Rare Boss Crate | Mechafist, Mecha Sword, Cyber Wings, Legendary Treasure Box |
Health | Damage Resistance | Damage |
3500 | 85% | 35 |
Common Drop (55% Chance) | Uncommon Drop (25% Chance) | Rare Drop (15% Chance) | Legendary Drop (5% Chance) |
2x Spawner Cores, 250 Souls, 500 Mana, 1x Large Money Pouch, 2x Legendary CEs, 1x Large XP Pouch, 250 Fish Points | Ancient Key, Obsidian Helmet, Obsidian Chestplate, Obsidian Leggings, Obsidian Boots | 1x Legendary Key, 850 Souls, 1000 Mana, 1x 3.5k Use Builder Wand, 1x 3.5k Use Harvester Hoe, 1x Rare Boss Money Pouch, Miniature Sahuagin Pet, Sahuagin Tag, Rare Boss Crate | Deep Ocean Scythe, Unicorn Floaty, Legendary Treasure Box |
Health | Damage Resistance | Damage |
3500 | 75% | 30 |
Common Drop (55% Chance) | Uncommon Drop (25% Chance) | Rare Drop (15% Chance) | Legendary Drop (5% Chance) |
2x Spawner Cores, 250 Souls, 500 Mana, 1x Large Money Pouch, 2x Legendary CEs, 1x Large XP Pouch | Ancient Key, Obsidian Helmet, Obsidian Chestplate, Obsidian Leggings, Obsidian Boots | 1x Legendary Key, 850 Souls, 1000 Mana, 1x 3.5k Use Builder Wand, 1x 3.5k Use Harvester Hoe, 1x Rare Boss Money Pouch, Miniature Yeti Pet, Yeti Tag, Rare Boss Crate | Giants Armour, Giants Pickaxe, Legendary Treasure Box |
Health | Damage Resistance | Damage |
3000 | 75% | 30 |
Common Drop (55% Chance) | Uncommon Drop (25% Chance) | Rare Drop (15% Chance) | Legendary Drop (5% Chance) |
2x Spawner Cores, 250 Souls, 500 Mana, 1x Large Money Pouch, 2x Legendary CEs, 1x Large XP Pouch | Ancient Key, Obsidian Helmet, Obsidian Chestplate, Obsidian Leggings, Obsidian Boots | 1x Legendary Key, 850 Souls, 1000 Mana, 1x 3.5k Use Builder Wand, 1x 3.5k Use Harvester Hoe, 1x Rare Boss Money Pouch, Miniature Hound Pet, Hellhound Tag, Rare Treasure Box | Hound Helmet, Hellhound Blade, Legendary Treasure Box |
Health | Damage Resistance | Damage |
4500 | 85% | 30 |
Common Drop (55% Chance) | Uncommon Drop (25% Chance) | Rare Drop (15% Chance) | Legendary Drop (5% Chance) |
2x Spawner Cores, 250 Souls, 500 Mana, 1x Large Money Pouch, 2x Legendary CEs, 1x Large XP Pouch | Ancient Key, Obsidian Helmet, Obsidian Chestplate, Obsidian Leggings, Obsidian Boots | 1x Legendary Key, 850 Souls, 1000 Mana, 1x 3.5k Use Builder Wand, 1x 3.5k Use Harvester Hoe, 1x Rare Boss Money Pouch, Miniature Krykna Pet, Krykna Tag, Rare Treasure Box | Spider Bow, Legendary Treasure Box |
Uncommon Drop (25% Chance) | Rare Drop (15% Chance) | Legendary Drop (5% Chance) |
Mystic Set, 10,000 Souls, 2x Boss Eggs, 2x Ancient Keys, 2x Mobtrak, 2x StatTrak, 2x BlockTrak, 10,000 Mana | Booster Pack, Legendary Crate Key, Magic Dust Large Pack, Soul Eater Title | Improved Mystic Chestplate, Improved Mystic Boots, Improved Mystic Helmet, Improved Mystic Leggings, Soul Scythe |
The Golden Knight is one of the 3 mini-bosses that spawn on Skyblock. The Golden Knight spawns in Tangleroots, and drops various rewards when killed - see the table below for more information on the loot dropped by the Golden Knight!
Golden Knight Times:
12:15, 3:15, 6:15, 9:15 AM EST
12:15, 3:15, 6:15, 9:15 AM EST
Common Drop | Uncommon Drop | Legendary Drop |
500 Souls 1,000 Mana, Large Money Pouch, Common Magic Dust, Rare CE Books,White Scroll | 1,500 Souls, 5,000 Mana, Buildwand, Harvester Hoe, Rare Magic Dust | Golden Knight Tag, Golden Knight Sword, Kilton Boss Egg |
The Cursed Witch is another mini-boss which can be found in Morend. The rewards which can be received from killing the Cursed Witch are listed below!
Cursed Witch Times:
1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 10:15 AM EST
1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 10:15 AM EST
Common Drop | Uncommon Drop | Legendary Drop |
500 Souls, 1,000 Mana, Large Money Pouch, Common Magic Dust, Rare CE Books, White Scroll | 1,500 Souls, 5,000 Mana, Buildwand, Harvester Hoe, Rare Magic Dust | Cursed Witch Tag, Cursed Staff, Kilton Boss Egg |
Found in Sandara, the Desert Golem is the newest mini-boss to be introduced to Skyblock in Season 13! This brand new mini-boss also has unique 'Legendary Rewards' which can be received by slaying the Desert Golem!
Desert Golem Times:
2:15, 5:15, 8:15, 11:15 AM EST
2:15, 5:15, 8:15, 11:15 PM EST
Common Drop | Rare | Legendary Drop |
750 Souls, 1,500 Mana, Large Money Pouch, 3 Rare Magic Dust, Rare CE Books, White Scroll | 2,000 Souls, 7,500 Mana, Buildwand, Harvester Hoe, Legendary Magic Dust | DuneWalker Tag, Relic Hoe, Relic Chestplate |