In this article you can find all the obtainable items through shop or other means on KitPvP.
Items found in this section you will encounter or need often.
Ancient Keys can give you a number of different items such as Mana, money, armor, or enchanted books. There are multiple ways to get these keys. If you have a donator rank, you can claim these keys monthly, you can buy them on the Black Market for 2500 Mana, win them from Elite Crates, or you can buy them on the store
Legendary Keys can also give you tons of cool things at spawn such as Mana, money, titles, or enchanted books. These can be bought at the store or claimed monthly with a rank
Mana Potions can obtained from crates and can range from 450 - 7,500 mana
Money pouches cost 300 Mana and give a random amount of money anywhere between $3,000 and $8,000 and can be won in the Elite Crate and other crates as well.
Buy enderpearls from /shop
for $450, or get them from Kits, and Crates. They can be used to teleport around the map.
You can buy Snowballs from /shop
$160 they can be used to throw at your enemies.
Buy these to get xp from /shop
for $150 each, from the Utility Kit, and from various different Crates
You can buy 48 arrows from /shop
$200 and obtain them from /kits
Caught while fishing the Blue Shark gives 2:00 minutes of Strength I when eaten
Caught while fishing along with the Blue Shark the Pygmy Whale gives full health and hunger when eaten
Eat these for a health boost! You can buy them from /shop
for $350, or earn them from /kits
and Crates.
Mushroom Soups are the best type of healing on KitPvP because they give 3 hearts when eaten and they eat instantly. You can buy them from /shop
for $500 or from the hidden Bone Dealer for $400 they are also given in the Utility Kit.
Bought from the Mystic Dealer you can wipe potion effects with a simple drink for a cheap price of $1,200
Fight others players in pit with a full diamond armor set from /shop
that you can enchant
Helmet: $2,500
Chestplate: $4,000
Leggings: $4,000
Boots: $2,500
Fight others players in pit with a full iron armor set from /shop
that you can enchant
Helmet: $250
Chestplate: $400
Leggings: $400
Boots: $250
Fight other players in the pit with a diamond sword that you can enchant with books or enchantment shop. You can buy one from /shop
for $3,000
Fight other players in the pit with an iron sword that you can enchant with books or enchantment shop. You can buy one from /shop
for $300
Fight other players in the pit with a bow that you can enchant with books or enchantment shop. You can buy one from /shop
for $300
Fight other players in the pit with a diamond axe that you can enchant with books or enchantment shop. You can buy one from from the Mermaid Merchant for $3,500
Buy a Fishing Rod from /shop
for $1,000 or from the hidden Bone Dealer in the arena for $750 or obtain them from the Legendary Kit or Crates.
Used this light your opponent on fire you can obtain one from /shop
for $750
You can buy a Splash Potion of Regeneration [33 sec] from /shop
for $400
You can buy a Splash Potion of Fire Resistance [3 min] from /shop
for $400
You can also buy a Potion of Fire Resistance [8 min] from /shop
for $750
You can buy a Splash Potion of Healing from /shop
for $400 and earn them from some /kits
You can also buy a Potion of Healing II from /shop
for $650
You can buy a Splash Potion of Swiftness from /shop
for $500 or earn it from Kit Utility, Ancient, Legendary and Elite give Splash Potions of Swiftness [2 min 15 sec].
Kit Revenge gives a Splash Potion of Swiftness [6 min].
You can also buy a Potion of Swiftness II [1 min 30 sec] from /shop
for $650
You can buy a Splash Potion of Night Vision [6 min] from the Mermaid Merchant for $100
You can buy a Splash Potion of Invisibility [6 min] from the Mermaid Merchant for $1,000 or from /kit revenge
You can buy a Splash Potion of Invisibility [2 min 15 sec] from the Mermaid Merchant for $500
You can buy a Potion of Water Breathing [3 min] from the Mermaid Merchant for $800
You can buy a Splash Potion of Poison [45 sec] from the hidden Bone Dealer for $500
You can buy a Splash Potion of Harming from the Mystic Dealer for $1,000
You can buy a Splash Potion of Slowness [1 min 7 sec] from the Mystic Dealer for $500
Enchant any piece of your armor for the price of $9000
this can be found by the enchantment table area.
Enchant any piece of your armor for the price of $6500
this can be found by the enchantment table area.
Enchant any piece of your armor for the price of $8500
this can be found by the enchantment table area.
Enchant any piece of your armor for the price of $4000
this can be found by the enchantment table area.
Enchant any piece of your armor/weapons for the price of $2700
this can be found by the enchantment table area.
Enchant your bow for the price of $4000
this can be found by the enchantment table area.
Enchant your bow for the price of $1500
this can be found by the enchantment table area.
Enchant your bow for the price of $2500
this can be found by the enchantment table area.
Enchant your bow for the price of $8000
this can be found by the enchantment table area.
Enchant your sword for the price of $9000
this can be found by the enchantment table area.
Enchant your sword for the price of $6500
this can be found by the enchantment table area.
Enchant your sword for the price of $2000
this can be found by the enchantment table area.