Welcome to the current ManaCube Infinity Rules. When playing on Infinity, you are expected to read and abide by these rules. "Not having read the rules" is not a valid excuse.
Breaking these rules may result in punishment. These rules are not an exhaustive list of what is and isn’t allowed. They are subject to change and can be updated by staff at any time. Warnings are given at staff discretion. Players who clearly know what they are doing may not receive any warnings.
WARNING: Rule bending, misinterpreting, finding loopholes or warping the meaning of the rules for an advantage are not permitted. In such cases, the situation will be reviewed by higher staff and appropriate punishments will be given.
The safety of players are taken very seriously. Players threatening each other with DDoS attacks or releasing their private information is not allowed. This includes comments such as "Your internet is about to lag" or “I will find your location and turn your connection off.”
Seeking, obtaining or using a player’s personal information for malicious purposes is strictly prohibited. This includes threats of swatting, doxing, or violence. Repeating or mentioning the personal information of another player or staff member without their explicit or implied permission is not allowed.
Death threats and other malicious attacks are not allowed. At staff discretion, death wishes and suicide encouragement may also be punished.
Any links that may lead to disturbing/pornographic sites or ip loggers are punishable with a global ban. You can view if a link is safe or not with http://www.getlinkinfo.com
We do not allow trading of in-game items or services for real life currency or purchases from a third party or external source. In-game items may be traded for other in-game items or services if all other server rules are followed.
ManaCube is not a marketplace for advertising IRL items for sale. Please do not advertise goods or services for sale.
While scamming for money & items are allowed, scamming cubits is not allowed on any server, including infinity. Cubit scamming only applies to trades made with items or currency. We do not protect any cubit deals for teaming, sharing information or any other non-physical trade.
Do not advertise for other Minecraft Servers, Discord Groups, Hacked Clients, or unapproved websites through the use of links, images, videos, etc. This includes mentioning other servers by name or IP. While the use of hacked clients are allowed on Infinity, discussions about hacked clients should be kept out of main chat.
Builds that significantly lower the FPS of others causing extreme lag, cause a player to lag, or lag the server are not allowed, will be cleared and may result in a ban. If it is obvious that the laggy build was not intentional then a ban will not be given, just a warning.
Inappropriate builds that relate to hate, racism and other forms of bigotry, such as swastikas, are not allowed. They will be immediately cleared and result in a ban.
Skins, usernames, or nicknames with derogatory or offensive content relating to hate, racism, and other forms of bigotry are not allowed. Refusal to change the skin, username, or nickname will result in a global ban.
This is when a player uses an alternate account to bypass restrictions set on their main account. The alternate account will be muted/banned for the same punishment length as the main account. This length may be increased if the player breaks more rules while evading their current punishment per staff discretion.
Abusing /report
or /helpop
to disrespect staff is not allowed. Spamming, trolling and other misuse may result in a ban. If you do not receive a reply to your request for assistance, you may report the issue in the #help section of the Community Discord. For other ways to contact staff, refer to the Getting Help article.
Changing your nickname to pretend to be another Staff Member or Player is not allowed. You will be asked to change your nickname and refusal to cooperate may result in it being manually changed.
Abusive or threatening behavior against a particular group, especially on the basis of race, religion, or sexual orientation is not allowed. Unlike most chat violations, staff give no warnings for true Hate Speech and the punishments quickly escalate.
NOTE: Not all offensive, ill-informed, inflammatory statements or opinions are true Hate Speech and therefore may be warned or punished as disrespect, harassment, bullying, flame wars, etc.
Intentionally bringing up sensitive topics to start arguments, make people emotional, or harass other players is not allowed. If players make personal attacks on others rather than discussing the topic at hand, they create a Flame War and risk punishment.
“Shock statements” and intentionally bringing up controversial topics just to start arguments, make people emotional, or harass/attack other players may result in punishment at staff discretion.
Respectful discussions about politics and other contentious topics are allowed. Players and staff are entitled to their opinions. However, long, drawn out conversations should be moved out of public chat and into direct messages, group chats, or onto other platforms.
While people are allowed to express themselves, overly sexual or inappropriate chat topics are not allowed, which includes discussions, links, pictures, or videos.
Excessive chat flood that blocks chat and prevents other players from typing/reading chat is not allowed. Regular spamming, caps, and char drag is allowed.
Hacking, while not encouraged, will not be punished within Infinity. If you’re caught hacking elsewhere, including the hubs, you will be punished. For a list of other allowed modifications, refer to the Allowed/Illegal Mods article.
WARNING: Discussions about hacked clients are not allowed in main chat and will be punished under advertising. These types of conversations should be kept in private chat.
Scamming other players for money & items are allowed. This can include naming an item incorrectly, such as renaming a wood sword “Diamond Sword” to try and scam people. Another method would be offering to pay a certain amount for an item but when you trade the item to the buyer, they do not pay the money (vice versa).
NOTE: Cubit scams are not allowed on any gamemode, including infinity.
Intentional theft of another player's items. This includes joining other people's parties to take their items. There is no claim protection, so any items in containers are fair game.
Intentional destruction of another player's build. This also includes stealing, and killing contained passive mobs in other players territory.
Tricking or misleading players to issue commands such as /ci
or Alt + F4 falls under Trolling. Purposely trying to interfere with a players gameplay by getting in their way, hurting or trolling them is allowed.
Spamming includes posting repeated messages to chat in quick succession, repeated nonsense like "odmowlskdjmliaskdmadakmsdo;l2" and excessive character drag such as "hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii". Command spam, encouraging spam, repeatedly begging for items, repeatedly advertising events are allowed as long as it does not flood chat to the point where it prevents players from having conversations.
The excessive use of capitalization over multiple messages is allowed.
Using custom fonts as a main font in public chat is allowed.
Repeatedly or excessively swearing is allowed.