In addition to the standard enchants available in vanilla minecraft, ManaCube offers a variety of custom enchants to enhance your gameplay. They may be bought from the Enchanter via /ce
at the cost of vanilla experience levels. The price varies depending on the desired enchantment tier.
Common books can be bought at the price of 5,000 XP, Uncommon at 25,000 XP and Rare at 100,000 XP. Upon buying a book, you will need to right click it to reveal a random enchant in the specific category you have bought. You may read about any specific custom enchantment by doing /enchant [name]
A list of all available custom enchants can be found below.
Common books can be bought at the price of 5,000 XP, Rare at 25,000 XP, and Legendary at 100,000 XP. Upon buying a book, you will need to right-click it to reveal a random enchant in the tier level you have bought. You may read about any specific custom enchantment by doing /enchant [name]
While opening any level of Custom Enchant books, a Mythical Enchant book may be given. The odds for this are very low, but Mythical books yield the best effects. Mythical books cannot be bought for EXP.
A list of all available custom enchants can be found below.
SwordAxeBowTridentArmorToolsFishing Rods Common (5,000 EXP) | Rare (25,000 EXP) | Legendary (100,000 EXP)
- Zero knockback to mobs.
- Tier: Common (5,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +40% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- Deal more damage to mobs at night.
- Tier: Common (5,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 5
- Level Effect: +7% Bonus Damage
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- Deal more damage when under 3 hearts.
- Tier: Rare (25,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +7% Bonus Damage
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- Poison opponent for 5s.
- Tier: Rare (25,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +7% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: 15 seconds
- Attacking pulls opponent towards you.
- Tier: Rare (25,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +15% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: 7 Seconds
- Chance to get 5-10 Bonus EXP from mob kills.
- Tier: Legendary (100,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 5
- Level Effect: +15% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- Chance to give opponent 5s slowness.
- Tier: Legendary (100,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 2
- Level Effect: +15% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: 10 Seconds
- Strike lightning at nearby players.
- Tier: Legendary (100,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +5% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: 10 Seconds
- A chance to strike twice.
- Tier: Legendary (100,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +7% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: 5 Seconds
- A change to get 10-20 Bonus EXP from mob kills
- Tier: Mythical
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +25% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
Common (5,000 EXP) | Rare (25,000 EXP) | Legendary (100,000 EXP)
- Chance of taking opponents head on death.
- Tier: Common (5,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +25% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- Deal bonus damage if opponent holds bow.
- Tier: Common (5,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +10% Bonus Damage
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- Chance to give your opponent mining fatigue.
- Tier: Rare (25,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +10% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: 15 Seconds
- Chance to remove all debuffs from self.
- Tier: Rare (25,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +10% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: 5 Seconds
- A chance to make opponent bleed 3-6 health over a 3 second period.
- Tier: Legendary (100,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 5
- Level Effect: +5% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: 10 Seconds
Common (5,000 EXP) | Rare (25,000 EXP) | Legendary (100,000 EXP)
- Headshots deal bonus damage.
- Tier: Common (5,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +10% Bonus Damage
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- Deal bonus damage if opponent is holding sword.
- Tier: Common (5,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +10% Bonus Damage
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- Chance to strike lightning at opponent.
- Tier: Rare (25,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +15% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: 7 Seconds
- Chance to poison opponent for 5 seconds.
- Tier: Rare (25,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 5
- Level Effect: +10% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: 15 Seconds
- Slow and fatigue opponents with your arrows.
- Tier: Rare (25,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 4
- Level Effect: +10% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: 7 Seconds
- A chance to have your arrows explode on impact.
- Tier: Legendary (100,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 5
- Level Effect: +15% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: 7 Seconds
- A chance to grapple opponents towards you.
- Tier: Legendary (100,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +10% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
Common (5,000 EXP) | Rare (25,000 EXP) | Legendary (100,000 EXP)
- Light opponents on fire with your trident.
- Tier: Common (5,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +33% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- Increases damage dealt with Tridents.
- Tier: Common (5,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +10% Bonus Damage
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- Trident headshots deal double damage.
- Tier: Rare (25,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +33% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- Chance to strike lightning at opponent when trident is thrown.
- Tier: Rare (25,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +33% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
Common (5,000 EXP) | Rare (25,000 EXP) | Legendary (100,000 EXP)
Custom Enchants for Any Armor Piece
- Increase enemy sword damage while sneaking.
- Tier: Common (5,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 5
- Level Effect:-4% damage decrease
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- A chance to recover durability when damaged by mobs.
- Tier: Common (5,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +15% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- Decreases enemy axe damage.
- Tier: Common (5,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 5
- Level Effect: -2% Damage Decrease
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- A chance to deflect enemy arrows.
- Tier: Common (5,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +10% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- A chance to weaken opponent for 5 seconds
- Tier: Common (5,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +5% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: 15 Seconds
- Gives speed + health boost at low health.
- Tier: Common (5,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +25% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: 10 Seconds
- Gives permanent fire resistance.
- Tier: Legendary (100,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 1
- Level Effect: N/A
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- Gives a permanent health boost.
- Tier: Legendary (100,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +2 Bonus Hearts
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- Chance to recover durability when attacked.
- Tier: Legendary (100,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +15% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
Custom Enchants for Helmets Only
- Gives permanent night vision.
- Tier: Common (5,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 1
- Level Effect: N/A
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- Gives permanent water breathing.
- Tier: Common (5,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 1
- Level Effect: N/A
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- A chance to restore hunger every 10 seconds.
- Tier: Legendary (100,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 5
- Level Effect: +20% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: 10 Seconds
Custom Enchants for Chestplates Only
- A chance to give attacker the wither effect.
- Tier: Rare (25,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 5
- Level Effect: +5% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: 15 Seconds
- A chance to push back your attacker when your health is low.
- Tier: Legendary (100,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 5
- Level Effect: +10% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: 10 Seconds
Custom Enchants for Leggings Only
- A chance to teleport behind opponent.
- Tier: Rare (25,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 5
- Level Effect: +10% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: 15 Seconds
Custom Enchants for Boots Only
- A change to negate fall damage.
- Tier: Common (5,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +33% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- Deal bonus damage while in water.
- Tier: Rare (25,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 5
- Level Effect: +5% Bonus Damage
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- A chance to throw opponent into the air.
- Tier: Rare (25,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 5
- Level Effect: +5% Proc Chance, +2 Block Height
- Cooldown: 10 Seconds
- Increased speed when equipped.
- Tier: Legendary (100,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +1 Speed Boost
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- Walk on Lava.
- Tier: Legendary (100,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 1
- Level Effect: N/A
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
Walk on Water.
- Tier: Legendary (100,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 1
- Level Effect: N/A
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- Gives jump boost.
- Tier: Legendary (100,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +1 Jump Boost
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
Common (5,000 EXP) | Rare (25,000 EXP) | Legendary (100,000 EXP)
Custom Enchants for All Tools
- Swing your tools faster.
- Tier: Common (5,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +1 Haste
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- Upon breaking, your item loses this enchant and repairs to half durability.
- Tier: Common (5,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 1
- Level Effect: N/A
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- Chance to restore food while killing mobs.
- Tier: Common (5,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +10 Proc Chance
- Cooldown: 5 Seconds
- Chance to give opponent 5s of hunger.
- Tier: Common (5,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 5
- Level Effect: +10 Proc Chance
- Cooldown: 15 Seconds
- Teleports broken blocks to inventory.
- Tier: Rare (25,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 2
- Level Effect: +50% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- Bonus ExP from mining.
- Tier: Rare (25,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 5
- Level Effect: +15% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- Bonus damage dealt to mobs in End world.
- Tier: Rare (25,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 5
- Level Effect: +5% Bonus Damage
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- Chance to steal 1-5 health from opponent.
- Tier: Legendary (100,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 5
- Level Effect: +5% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: 10 Seconds
- Protects item durability, items will take longer to break.
- Tier: Legendary (100,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 5
- Level Effect: +15% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: 3 Seconds
- Item becomes unbreakable.
- Tier: Mythical
- Max Level: 1
- Level Effect: N/A
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
Custom Enchants for Pickaxes Only
- Smelt mines ores into ingots.
- Tier: Common (5,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +33% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- Mine the entire vein of ores.
- Tier: Common (5,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 3
- Level Effect: +33% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
Common (5,000 EXP) | Rare (25,000 EXP) | Legendary (100,000 EXP)
- A chance to get 5-10 bonus XP from fish.
- Tier: Rare (25,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 5
- Level Effect: +15% Proc Chance
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
- Pulls player/mob towards you.
- Tier: Legendary (100,000 EXP)
- Max Level: 1
- Level Effect: N/A
- Cooldown: No Cooldown
¶ Success and Destroy Rates
Every custom enchantment book has a success and destroy rate. The higher the success rate, the more likely that the enchantment book will successfully be applied to the tool, weapon, armor, etc. Vice versa, the higher the destroy chance, the more likely that the enchantment book will not successfully be applied and will fail. If an enchantment book fails, both the book and the item it is put on is destroyed, and will disappear. To raise the success chance to 100% and make sure the book will never fail, you can put on Success Magic Dust.

Success Magic Dust varies from 1% all the way to 100%. The dust can be applied to custom enchantment books by dragging and dropping the dust onto the desired book. They may be obtained through the Tinkerer and Mana Pond.
Black Scrolls will remove a random custom enchantment from an item and revert it into a 100% success book.
White Scrolls when applied, will protect the tool or weapon from breaking when applying custom enchantment books
Tinkerer is a feature that can be used to obtain Success Magic Dust by trading in custom enchantment books. Tinker can be accessed with the command, /tinkerer
The Tinkerer is used to turn custom enchantment books that you no longer need/want into “Mystery Dust”.
The GUI above appears, and you click on the custom enchantment books you want to recycle for dust, then click on the red wool twice to receive secret dust.
Secret dust can be right-clicked to receive either Success Magic Dust or Mystery Dust, which is just a piece of gunpowder and has little to no uses.
Alchemist, also known as Blacksmith, is a feature that can be used to combine custom enchantment books or Success Magic Dust. The Alchemist can be accessed with the command /alchemist
As shown above, The Blacksmith will combine 2 custom enchantment books of the same type and level for one enchant book of +1 higher level. For example, 2 Lifesteal II books will combine to create 1 Lifesteal III book.
It is the same for Success Magic Dust, combining any 2 percentages of success magic dust will result in a random percentage for the combined dust. Combining custom enchant books or Success Magic Dust will require vanilla XP, the amount varying according from the type of books used, to the level it’s combining to.