WARNING: Before using any modifications please be aware that all use of modifications on ManaCube are at your own risk -- including those listed as approved or conditionally approved. We cannot review every version of every modification and cannot provide any guarantees that modifications are within our server rules.
Any modifications should be downloaded from the official source for that modification. Unofficial downloads from other sources may not perform as expected and may include bugs, unadvertised features (which could result in punishments on our server), or malicious codes including viruses or spyware.
NOTE: If you feel you were falsely punished, you may file a ban appeal on the Forums.
This section will explore the range of clients and modifications that are allowed on ManaCube.
While we aim to have an extensive list of clients and modifications that are allowed, not everything will be listed. If you have any questions, feel free to ask staff in-game.
Name | Purpose |
Optifine | Increases FPS, reduces lag, supports various graphic changes such as shaders support, dynamic lights and configurable smooth lighting and gives extra controls such as zoom. |
Better FPS | Increases FPS, reduces lag, supports various graphic changes such as removing fog, removing the transparent layer of a beacon beam and provides features such as Fast Search. |
Memory Fix Mod | Applied to the forge mods folder to fix known memory issues in order to improve performance. |
Name | Purpose |
Badlion | A custom minecraft launcher with FPS improvements, customisable features, mods and cosmetics. |
LabyMod | A custom minecraft launcher with FPS improvements, customisable features and cosmetics. |
PvPLounge | A custom minecraft launcher with FPS improvements, customisable features, and mods |
Forge - without illegal mods | A Minecraft launcher that acts as a platform to add modifications. |
Lunar Client | A custom minecraft launcher with FPS improvements, mods, and customisable features. |
Cosmic Client | A custom minecraft launcher with FPS improvements, customisable features, and mods. |
Console Clients | A client that enables you to connect to any Minecraft server, send commands and receive text messages without having to open the main Minecraft game. These are usually used to AFK alt accounts. The auto-reconnect feature to have alts immediately rejoin the server/gamemode is allowed. |
Modifications which change the physical appearance of various elements in-game.
Name | Purpose |
1.7 Animations | It contains the 1.7 blockhitting animation where the armor turns red when the player is hit and hearts lost in combat do not flash up. Fishing rods, bows, and potions have the same scale as in 1.7. |
Block Overlay | Allows you to customize the look of the thin black frame that appears when you hover over a block. |
Custom Crosshairs Mod | Allows you to change the style of your default crosshair in the middle of the screen. |
Item Physic | Customizes the cosmetic look of items when you pick them up or throw them out. |
Keystrokes | Displays the keys WASD, left and right click, the spacebar, sneak and custom status keys on the screen. |
Motion Blur | Adds a shader in the background to make the movement of your crosshair go smoothly. |
Time Changer | Changes the time or speed cycle of the day to your preference. |
Modifications which improve the quality of gameplay related to PvP.
Name | Purpose |
Armor Status | Displays your currently equipped armor and held item with their durability remaining without having to open your inventory. |
Particles Mod | Allows you to multiply the amount of critical and enchanted hit particles. |
Reach Display | Displays the reach of the hit(s) you're getting when in combat against other players. |
Status Effect hud | Displays all of your currently active potions and effects onscreen without having to open your inventory. |
Modifications which improve gameplay experience by adding convenient mechanics.
Name | Purpose |
5zig | A client modification compatible with Optifine that has customizable HUD (Heads-Up Display), cosmetics, capes, plugins, and chat. Some features implemented are not allowed, such as macros, so make sure that you only use features allowed on the ManaCube Network. |
Coordinates Mod | Displays the X, Y, and Z, coordinates that locates a player's position in a section of the screen without having to press F3. |
CPS Mod | Displays how much CPS (Clicks per second) you demonstrate at any given time. |
Direction HUD | Shows what direction you are facing without using F3. |
Fps and Ping Display Mods | Displays your current FPS and Ping at any given time without using F3 or Tab. |
In-game Server Switcher | Allows you to change which server you are logged in to in-game, without having to disconnect to join another server. |
MouseDelay Fix | Fixes the mouse delay bug in Minecraft 1.8 that causes your actual block and entity interaction position to be one tick behind your crosshair. |
Player API | Gives access to client, server, and bukkit classes and reduces incompatibility between mods. |
Replay Mod | Allows you to record your game sessions and replay them from any perspective at any point. |
Toggle Sprint/Sneak | Allows you to automatically sneak or sprint using a keybind. |
Waypoints | Allows you to set specific waypoints in a location, where you can later relocate them using a travel GUI. |
Breadcrumbs | Shows the trajectory of different entities such as a redline for TNT and yellow line for Sand. Usually used on Factions for building cannons and ensuring mistakes are not made that can blow up the cannon. |
Name | Conditions of Use |
MiniMap | Allowed without showing players |
Schematica/Litemetica | Printer allowed only on Factions |
World Downloader | Allowed on Factions. Allowed only on your own builds on other realms. |
Chat Macros | Chat macros that automate tasks such as answering questions or welcoming players are allowed. They are not allowed to be used to quickly answer chat scramblers. As with all task macros, we do not allow using these while AFK. |
Below is a partial list of illegal mods. Any mod that is not listed, but that is deemed to give an unfair advantage is illegal and may result in screensharing or ban.
NOTE: These modifications are only allowed to be used on the Infinity gamemode. If used on any other gamemode, including the hubs, it will be treated as an unfair advantage and will result in punishment.
Mod | Notes |
Auto Clickers | Any mod that clicks for the user. |
Ghost Clients | An undetectable client that enables the user to hack discretely. [We are able to find these through a screenshare] |
Hacked Clients | Clients that enable the user to do things that they could not usually. Such as fly, climb up walls, automatically kill players [Kill aura] and much more. |
Inventory Tweaks | A modification which automatically rearranges items in the players inventory and chests based on configurable settings |
Macros | Scripts that automate a task. Macros could include autoclicking at a pre-set rhythm that seems more natural or the user automatically moving following a set path. |
Mini-Maps | These provide a small map of your surroundings and are allowed but cannot show players. |
PvP Utilities | Any client or mod that provides extra info that players would otherwise not be able to see. This includes but is not limited to player health indicators and ways to reveal someone else's armor durability. |
Raid Alerts [Factions] | Bots that detect raids and provide alerts to a faction. |
Schematica / Litemetica - Printer | Printer is an option in Schematica/Litemetica (easyplace) where if you have the blocks needed in your inventory, it will automatically place the blocks for you at a faster speed. This is allowed only in Factions. |
X-Ray | Both texture packs and clients that enable the player to see through walls and often highlight valuable blocks such as ores and spawners. |