While you are allowed to express your creative freedom and opinions, there are still rules that apply when interacting on the forums. It isn’t possible to list every way to violate the rules, so we ask you to use common sense. If you see something that would typically be illegal on other networks but is not specifically listed here, please do not attempt it. If you think it may be against the rules, don't post it, and privately ask a Staff Member first. Violation of the rules may result in a warning point given.
There is no word requirement when creating threads or making comments. They may be detailed posts or one-word replies.
Posting comments on old threads is allowed. While it may be impractical, there is no rule against replies on posts whether they were made a day, week, or a year ago.
Make sure that you create threads in the correct section of the Forum to prevent confusion and allow players to easily find your post. For example, if you are creating a starter guide for players in prison, you would post it in the Olympus section. If you are not sure where to post your thread, you can always ask a Staff Member for help.
When submitting Staff Applications, Content Creator Applications, Ban Appeals, etc., use the format provided in the section. Incorrect use of the format may cause the application or appeal process to take longer than usual. In some cases, your application or appeal will be closed.
The official language that ManaCube uses is American English. Players who speak English as a second language are allowed to speak their native language, but that does not exclude them from following the rules. Lengthy posts or discussions in other languages are discouraged and should be held in private conversations.
Using custom chat fonts in threads, comments, or signatures are allowed.
@Users and @Groups are able to be tagged, so please do not abuse this feature. Examples include tagging a player multiple times in succession and tagging an excessive amount of players within the same post.
The only place where hacks, cheats, or glitches should be discussed is in private conversations with Staff Members, or the Report a Bug section in a Support Ticket. In addition, accusing another player of hacking is not allowed. Please report hackers in-game with /helpop (reason)
, /report <name> <reason>
, or with a Support Ticket under the Report a Player section.
Do not advertise for other servers or unapproved websites through the use of links, images, videos, etc. This includes mentioning other servers by name or IP and spam threads that advertise an unapproved product or website.
NOTE: If you see an advertising spam thread or profile post, you do not have to report it on discord or with the "Report" feature on the Forums post. Staff Members check the Forums daily and will handle those posts in a timely manner.
Trading in-game items or services for real-life money through this platform is not allowed.
Changing your username and profile picture to pretend to be another Staff Member or Player is not allowed. You will be asked to change your username/profile picture and refusal to cooperate may result in it being manually changed.
Usernames with derogatory or offensive terms, hate speech or swear words are not allowed. Profile pictures may not contain any inappropriate or offensive content that would be against the Network Rules.
If you think that you are going to offend someone, reconsider your post. Swearing is allowed, but if it is excessive or contains foul language, it is not allowed.
Abusive or threatening behaviour against a particular group, especially on the basis of race, religion, or sexual orientation is not allowed.
While people are allowed to express themselves, overly sexual or inappropriate content is not allowed, which includes discussions, links, pictures, or videos.
Intentionally bringing up sensitive topics to start arguments, make people emotional, or harass other players is not allowed. If players make personal attacks on others rather than discussing the topic at hand, they create a Flame War and risk punishment. The thread may be locked if the Flame War is excessive or dominates the content.
Intentional harassment of another player is not tolerated. You may not create posts that target other players to threaten or make fun of them.
The safety of players are taken very seriously. Players threatening each other with DDoS attacks or releasing their private information is not allowed. This includes comments such as "Your internet is about to lag" or “I will find your location and turn your connection off.”
Warning Points are given to players that have broken the ManaCube Forum rules or Network rules. For each violation of the rules, you may receive a warning point, depending on the severity of the rule that was broken. Each warning point received lasts for 1 month. When you are at 3 or more warning points, your account will be in a banned state and is unable to post new content, or reply to existing content until the warning points expire.
When you receive a warning point, you will receive a message from the staff member that warned you. It will contain a brief explanation of the rule that you broke that resulted in the warning point.
One example of this message is shown below.
[ManaCube Player],
Your message [link to thread/message] contains inappropriate behavior:
[quoted message]
This does not follow our rules. Your message may have been removed or altered.
Your account's access may be limited based on these actions. Please keep this in mind when posting or using our site.