When you have a faction, typing /f claim
allows you to claim land for your Faction. You can only create one base of which starts as a 7x7 area. The base is created around the chunk you're standing in so the chunk you're standing in will b the middle of your base.
The claim is a chunk which is 16x16 from bedrock to height limit. In these claims, only your Faction members can build. Members of enemy Factions may damage your chest and spawners even in your own claims however they will be unable to build in your claim.
WARNING: Violating rules may result in a punishment. Please refer to the Faction Rules for an extensive list on what is and is not allowed on Factions.
/f claim
- Claims land for your faction
/f unclaim
- Unclaims the chunk you are standing on
/f map
– Show the map where you are located, the map shows up in the chat. Every icon is linked to a faction which is named underneath the map.
/f invite (ign)
- Invites a member to your faction
/f kick (ign)
- Kick a member from your faction
/f team
- List all your faction's members and allies
/f sethome
- Set your faction's home
/f home
- Teleport to your faction's home
/f setrole (name) (role)
- Set a role for a member in your faction
/f setwarp (name) (price) (icon)
- Set a public warp. Players who successfully teleport will pay a certain amount if it has been set
/f setbanner
- Hold a banner to set your faction's banner
/f border
- Toggles a visual particle border
- Opens your faction dashboard
Wilderness claims are chunks of land in the wild that have not been claimed by a faction. Wilderness claims are indicated by the dash [ - ] in /f map
. To claim land in the wilderness, use /f claim
Base claims are claims where your faction base is built. This is where all of your valuables and spawners will be located in order to count towards /f top
. Your Faction symbol may change however in this example, the green star () indicates that this is your faction land. The orange star () indicates the sides you've chosen to protect. They are permanently protected until you decide to change them.
When you claim land for the first time, your claims will be protected from being raided for 72 hours (3 days) OR until 10 spawners have been placed in your land.
When all players in a Faction are inactive for 5 days, shield protection and fortification are lost.
When all players in a Faction are inactive for 12 days, all Faction land will be unclaimed.