To create a plot use /plot set [plot type]
. This will turn the chunk into a plot. Our claiming system uses chunks. One chunk is 16x16 blocks, from bedrock to the maximum height limit (256 blocks). 1 chunk is one claim for your town. To view chunks, use the keys F3 & G at the same time.
You can then either list the plot for sale with /plot forsale [price]
and allow residents to purchase their own plots with /plot claim
or create a public town plot for example a farm or a public storage center. If you wish to remove a player from their plot you can do /plot evict [ign]
TIP: Plots are useful for storing items - only the person who owns the plot and the town mayor can access the plot if permissions are set up correctly.
/plot jailcell [add/remove]
to set the jailcell spawn location./towny allowedblocks
menu.Use the command /plot set perm [permission]
to edit permissions for the plot you are standing inside. Also, use /plot toggle [permission]
to enable to disable stuff like PVP or fire spread on a selected plot. Then use the command /plot perm hud
, allowing you to see all the set toggles and perms on the sidebar of your screen for the plot you are standing inside.
TIP: You can trust a player to a plot with /plot trust add/remove [ign]. This will give them full access to the plot you are standing on when the command is ran.
/plot set perm [permission]
CAUTION: Be careful when setting up permissions. We recommend you avoid giving the rank outsider any permissions.
/plot toggle [permission]
Check which town perms are set to on or off with /town
F = Friend R = Resident T = Town N = Nation
Plot groups are multiple individual plots grouped into one massive plot. Plot groups are used to change permissions or toggles for multiple plots by just running one command that will affect every plot in the group. They can also be used for bigger town builds that require multiple chunks to be built.
You can add and remove plots to a group with /plot group [add/remove] [name]
. This command also creates the group if no group with that name already exists. Plot permissions and toggles can be changed for all the plots in the group with /plot group set perm [permission] [on/off]
or /plot group toggle [permission] [on/off]
. Plot group commands are the same as the normal plot commands explained above you just start the command with /plot group
instead of just /plot
TIP: Plot groups can be renamed with /plot group rename [new name] while standing inside the group you want to rename.