Many player commands are the same across all game modes. These commands are covered in the Common Commands article.
The commands associated with specific ManaCube features, such as Chat and Character features are covered in those specific articles.
Commands that are more specific to Earth are covered below.
will provide you with additional information about commands.
/t help
will provide you with additional information on towny commands
More Information About Towns Here
Commands for Town Setup:
/town new [name]
- Creates a town.
/town invite [name]
- Invites a player to the town.
/town trust [add/remove] [resident]
- Allows you to trust or untrust players in your town.
/town kick [name]
- Kicks a player from the town.
/town purge
- Deletes all residents added during the set duration.
/town leave
- Used to leave a town.
/town delete
- Deletes the town.
/town list by [setting]
- List towns by stats such as date founded, balance, bankrupt, name, online, open, public, residents, ruined, and townblocks.
/town mayor
- Shows commands for the town mayor.
/town outpost list
- List all the current outposts for your town.
/town outpost [#]
- Teleports you to the selected outpost.
/town online
- Shows all the online members for your town.
/town outlaw
- Outlaws the selected player.
/town outlawlist
- Shows a list of all current outlaws.
/town plots
- Shows stats of all current plots in the town.
/town say [message]
- Sends a message to everyone in the town.
/town toggle [perm] [on/off]
- Allows you to toggle options like explosions, firespread, pvp and peaceful.
/town allylist
- Shows a list of the town's allies.
/town enemylist
- Shows a list of the town's enemies.
/town plotgrouplist
- Shows a list of grouped plots in the town, also shows which plots are for sale.
/town reslist
- Shows a list of the residents in the town.
/town jail [ign]
- Puts the player in jail.
/town bankhistory
- Shows the bank history of your town.
/town deposit [amount]
- Deposits money into the town bank.
/town withdraw [amount]
- Withdraws the selected amount from the town bank.
/town baltop
- Shows the top balances of your town.
/towny prices
- Displays the prices used in the economy.
/town claim
- Claims the chunk you are standing in. 1 chunk equals 16x16 blocks.
/town claim outpost
- Claims an outpost for your town.
/town merge
- Merges a town with another town.
/town reclaim
- Run this command while standing on the town's homeblock to reclaim a ruined town.
/town unclaim
- Unclaims the chunk you are standing in.
/town claim circle [radius]
- Claims the area in a circle around you.
/town claim rect [radius]
- Claims the area in a rectangle around you.
/town set board [message]
- Sets a message for the town's board.
/town set embassyprice [amount]
- Sets the price for an embassy plot.
/town set embassytax [amount]
- Sets the tax rate for embassy plots.
/town set homeblock
- Sets the homeblock of the town.
/town set mapcolor [color]
- Sets the color of the town on /map.
/town set mayor [name]
- Sets the mayor of the town.
/town set name [town name]
- Changes the name of the town.
/town set outpost
- Sets a townblock as an outpost.
/town set perm [perm] [on/off]
- Allows you to adjust perms for outsiders, allies, nations and residents.
/town set plotprice [amount]
- Sets the default price of town plots.
/town set plottax [amount]
- Sets the default tax rate for town plots.
/town set primaryjail
- Sets the location for the primary jail.
/town set shopprice [amount]
- Sets the default price for shop plots.
/town set shoptax [amount]
- Sets the default tax rate for shop plots.
/town set spawn
- Sets the town spawn.
/town set spawncost [amount]
- Sets the price to teleport to the town spawn.
/town set surname [name] [surname]
- Sets the surname for the selected player.
/town set tag
- Sets the town's tag.
/town set taxes
- Sets the town's default tax rate.
/town set taxpercentcap
- Sets a limit to what the tax rate is.
/town set title [name] [title]
- Sets the title for a specified player in the town.
/towny map
- Displays a map of the nearby townblocks.
/towny top
- Displays the highscores.
/towny time
- Displays the time left until a new day.
/resident name
- Shows a player their resident screen.
/resident list
- Lists the active players
/resident toggle map
- Turns on/off map which refreshes when moving across plot borders
/resident toggle townclaim
- Turns on/off the mode where/town claim
is automatically used when moving across plot borders.
/resident toggle plotborder
- Turns on/off smokey plot-border view. Border shows when players cross to different townblocks.
/resident toggle constantplotborder
- Constantly shows the outlines of the plots.
/resident toggle ignoreplots
- Turns on/off plot notifications in town.
/resident toggle reset
- Turns off all modes that are active.
/resident tax name
- Shows taxes a player pays.
/resident toggle pvp (on/off)
- Turns pvp on/off in the claim.
/resident toggle explosions (on/off)
- Turns explosions on/off in the claim.
/resident toggle fire (on/off)
- Turns firespread on/off in the claim.
/resident toggle mobs (on/off)
- Turns mob spawning on/off in the claim.
/res set perm (ally/friend/outsider) build (on/off)
- Changes permissions on who can build in your claim.
/res set perm (ally/friend/outsider) destroy (on/off)
- Changes permissions on who can destroy in your claim.
/res set perm (ally/friend/outsider) switch (on/off)
- Changes permission on who can interact with items like doors, crafting tables, furnace buttons, levers, open chests and looms in your claim.
/res set perm (ally/friend/outsider) itemuse (on/off)
- Changes permission on who can use potions, ender pearls, fishingrods, fill/empty buckets and take gear from armor stands in your claim.
/res set perm (ally/friend/outsider) kill (on/off)
- Changes permission on who can kill mobs.
/resident friend [add/remove] [resident]
- Adds residents to your friends list.
/resident friend list
- Shows a list of your resident friends.
/resident friend clear
- Clears the resident friend list.
More Information About Nations Here
/nation add [town]
- Invites a town to your nation.
/nation ally add [nation]
- Invites a nation to ally with your nation.
/nation allylist
- Lists all the nations you are allied with.
/nation delete
- Deletes your nation.
/nation enemy [add/remove] [nation]
- Removes or adds a nation to your enemy list.
/nation enemylist
- Shows all nations you are enemies with.
/nation join [nation]
- Used to accept a invite from a nation.
/nation kick [town]
- Kicks a town from the nation.
/nation king
- Shows the commands the nation king has access to.
/nation leave
- Used to leave a nation.
/nation list by [setting]
- List nations by stats such as date founded, balance, bankrupt, name, online, open, public, residents, ruined, and townblocks.
/nation merge
- Merges with another nation.
/nation new
- Used to create a nation. This will cost $50k to do.
/nation online
- Shows online members of the nation.
/nation rank add [name] [rank]
- Sets the nation rank of the selected player.
/nation say [message]
- Sends a message to everyone in the nation.
/nation set [setting]
- Allows you to adjust settings of the nation.
/nation spawn
- Teleports you to the nation spawn.
/nation toggle [setting] [on/off]
- Allows you to adjust toggles of the nation.
/nation townlist
- Shows a list of all the towns in the nation.
/nation ranklist
- Shows a list of nation members and their ranks.
/nation bankhistory
- Shows the nation's bank history.
/nation deposit [amount]
- Deposits the selected amount into the nation bank.
/nation withdraw [amount]
- Withdraws the selected amount from the nation bank.
/nation baltop
- Shows the top balances from everyone in the nation.
More Information About Plots Here
/plot claim
- Claims the chunk you are standing in as a plot.
/plot clear
- Clears the plot you are standing in.
/plot evict
- Evicts the player inside the plot you are standing in.
/plot forsale
- Set the plot forsale.
/plot group
- Shows all plot group commands.
/plot jailcell [add/remove]
- Sets a plot as a jailcell.
/plot notforsale
- Remove a plot from being forsale.
/plot perm
- Allows you to add and remove perms and access plot gui and hud.
/plot set perm [perm] [on/off]
- Allows you to adjust plot permissions.
/plot perm add [ign]
- Adds a player to the permissions gui so you can change their plot permissions.
/plot perm gui
- Shows a gui of all the plot perms of the plot you are standing on.
/plot toggle [setting] [on/off]
- Allows you to adjust explosions, pvp, mobs and fire.
/plot trust [add/remove] resident
- Add or remove residents from a plot.
/plot unclaim
- Unclaims the plot you are standing in.
More Information About Sieges Here
/siegewar guide
- Opens a guide that explains sieges.
/siegewar hud [town name]
- Shows the current siege stats for the selected town.
/siegewar collect
- Collects all funds due to you from plunders, military salaries, or nation refunds.
/siegewar nation
- Shows the commands related to nations in sieges.
/siegewar preference beacons [on/off]
- Toggles beacons on or off during sieges.
/siegewar town inviteoccupation [nation]
- Invites a town to occupy you.
/siegewar nextsession
- Tells you when the next battle session starts.
- Lets you bid on rare limited vaults.
- Opens the menu that shows all the prices/rewards for jobs.
/pay [ign][amount]
- Allows you to send money to other players.
- Opens the auction house.
- Opens the prestige menu that has 7 different rank objectives.
- Opens the shop menu.
- Opens the fish shop.
/fish pay [ign][amount]
- Allows you to send fish points to other players.
- Opens the soul shop.
/souls pay [ign][amount]
- Allows you to send souls to other players.
- Lets you purchase armor/tools & is used to craft spawners and repair shattered items.
- Buy crates/tags/ranks for cubits.
/cubits pay [ign][amount]
- Allows you to send cubits to other players.
- Teleports you to the map's spawn.
/warp boss
- Teleports you to the boss arena.
/warp crates
- Teleports you to the crate area.
/warp leaderboards
- Teleports you to the leaderboards.
/warp pond
- Teleports you to the magic pond.
/warp furniture
- Teleports you to the furniture store.
/warp ah
- Teleports you to the auction house.
/warp kilton
- Teleports you to the soul shop.
- Teleports you to a random area in the selected continent.
- Opens a private enderchest.
/pv [#]
- Opens a private vault.
- Resets a private vault.
/kit <rank>
- Claim your kits.
/kit fishingrod
- Gives you a fishingrod for the pond.
- Duel other players.
/manacrate history
- Show the history of crates you have opened.
- Shows times of events that are ongoing.
- Claim daily rewards and claim monthly rank rewards.
- Sync your Minecraft account to your Discord to gain access to/cow
- Shows what tasks you can do for rewards.
- Opens the quests menu.